Maintain a healthy liver with diet and exercise to prevent disease

The liver converts what we eat and drink into nutrients for the body, while also filtering out harmful toxins. Maintaining health for this essential organ doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. Making smart, informed decisions about diet and exercise can make all the difference and help prevent serious liver conditions, like hepatitis or cirrhosis.


Cartoon with check mark

  • diet and exercise
  • manage medications
  • drink water
  • get tested
  • get informed

Cartoon with x mark

  • excessively drink alcohol
  • smoke tobacco
  • use recreational drugs
  • eat fatty foods excessively
  • sleep all day or decrease activity

[publishpress_authors_data]'s recommendation to ExpertBeacon readers: Do

Do diet and exercise

The liver functions as a filter that removes harmful materials from the bloodstream during the digestion process. Think of it as the body’s energy plant: Food ingested is taken to the liver through the digestive process and turned into energy that builds the body’s muscles and maintains daily activity. Foods like grains, proteins, dairy, fruits, vegetables and some fats can help enable the liver to better perform its job. Combining a healthy diet with regular exercise helps avoid muscle wasting and fatigue, and also helps prevent conditions like non-alcoholic fatter liver disease (NAFLD).

Do manage medications

The liver also converts medications from the bloodstream into chemicals the body uses and removes toxic chemicals that other organs cannot tolerate. However, these chemicals can also attack and injure the liver. Any medications being taken for an existing condition should be followed in dosage as indicated by the drug’s label and by instructions from the prescribing physician. Consult a physician about how to properly manage your current medications.

Do drink water

Water flushes the liver tissues, aiding in removing toxins. When you’re not drinking enough water, your liver has to help the kidneys detoxify your body. Drinking plenty of water enables your kidneys to detoxify on their own, so your liver will be able to metabolize stored fat more efficiently. Adding lemon to water helps in the detoxification process, stimulating bile to remove toxins.

Do get tested

Hepatitis and other liver conditions can be dangerous if gone undiagnosed and untreated. If a liver becomes so impaired that it cannot filter properly, toxins can enter the bloodstream and reach the brain, causing a dementia-like condition known as hepatic encephalopathy (HE).

Do get informed

Connect with national liver health organizations that have communities in your state, like the American Liver Foundation. Being involved with these kinds of organizations is not only personally rewarding, but can also be educational. Subscribe to newsletters and go to events to learn more about liver maintaining liver health.

[publishpress_authors_data]'s professional advice to ExpertBeacon readers: Don't

Do not excessively drink alcohol

Alcohol destroys liver cells, and excessive drinking can lead to scarring of the liver, known as cirrhosis. A cirrhotic liver cannot filter toxins as effectively as a healthy one can. Patients that are already living with a liver disease or liver complications can tolerate even less amounts of alcohol. Consulting your primary care physician about your drinking habits is the best way to determine if you’re drinking excessively and putting yourself at risk for liver damage that could result in other health problems, like HE.

Do not smoke tobacco

Smoking can potentially harm every organ in the human body. Cigarette smoke reduces the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen to the vital organs of the body, including the liver, which deprives them of oxygen and nutrients.

Do not use recreational drugs

Aside from using recreational drugs that involve the sharing of needles – which has been known to lead the transferal of Hepatitis C – the toxicity of some drugs impacts the ability of the liver to filter toxins. Talk to your doctor about getting tested for conditions like Hepatitis C if you have ever used such substances.

Do not eat fatty foods excessively

The liver removes harmful substances from your body while also converting what you eat into energy and nutrients. It’s important, then, to consider what you’re fueling your body with. Extra fat in liver cells, not caused by alcohol, leads to a condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This condition could lead to a swollen liver (steatohepatitis), which can cause cirrhosis.

Do not sleep all day or decrease activity

Getting a full night’s sleep is important to staying healthy and productive through the day, but excessive sleeping can lead to unhealthy habits, like fatigue or decreased physical activity. As mentioned, the liver is the energy plant of the body and fatigue may signal liver disease. Make a habit of getting a balanced amount of sleep and staying energized throughout the day to ensure that you’re staying active.


Liver disease can be potentially life threatening, but many cases are preventable. Making regular appointments with your doctor, following healthy habits like diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and being proactive about liver health can make all the difference. Readers can consult additional resources, like the American Liver Foundation, for further resources and informational newsletters.

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