Expert advice on how to best prepare for the interview

The interview can be the gateway to a promising career if done properly. It is important that you do your research about the company before you go into the interview so that you know how to answer the questions they ask, and also be able to ask questions of your own when the time comes.


Cartoon with check mark

  • your research
  • dress appropriately
  • arrive on time
  • practice your interview
  • have questions

Cartoon with x mark

  • talk, talk, talk forever
  • avoid eye contact
  • ask what it pays
  • bad mouth past employers
  • use foul language

[publishpress_authors_data]'s recommendation to ExpertBeacon readers: Do

Do your research

Being prepared means knowing the company and the people that you are interviewing with. The internet is a valuable tool to get to know companies and people. Research the company and get to know what they are truly about and what their core values are. This will help you throughout the interview. Especially when they ask you if you have any questions for them.

Do dress appropriately

Before coming to the interview ask what the business attire is. If it is business-casual, wear that to the interview. Not fitting in at first sight will hamper your chances of success.

Do arrive on time

If the interview is at 9:00 in the morning, then arrive at 8:55 – not 8:45 or 9:10, but five minutes early. Being too early or too late makes you a pest.

Do practice your interview

It sounds simple enough, but have a practice interview with a friend or family member before the actual interview. Interviews can be nerve racking. If you practice them before hand you will at least set yourself at ease and help you get the jitters out.

Do have questions

Most people fail when asked by the interviewer if they have any questions. Your research into the company should give you ample fuel for questions. Have three or four questions ready, it will show interest level and enthusiasm on your part. Make them questions about the company, how you can ensure you will be a good employee if you are hired, etc. Be genuinely interested in getting the job, not how much you will be paid or if you will have health insurance.

[publishpress_authors_data]'s professional advice to ExpertBeacon readers: Don't

Do not talk, talk, talk forever

Interviews are two-way conversations not pulpits. Be very aware of how much to talk. Answer the questions directly with substance, but don’t go on forever with your answers.

Do not avoid eye contact

People can be nervous in an interview, and that is natural, but it is very important to maintain eye contact with the people in the room. Not looking at people when you are speaking is just plain creepy and unprofessional.

Do not ask what it pays

Especially in the first interview, keep questions about salary out of it. Salary can be discussed later in the 2nd or 3rd interview.

Do not bad mouth past employers

Everyone has worked for bad companies, but it is not proper to bad mouth and complain about them. Keep your comments professional and use the bad experience as a selling point for your career transition. Try and twist what you didn’t like about your past employers into how you learned from it.

Do not use foul language

It has happened too often, people doing well in an interview, the culture fit seems to be there and you’re relaxed, then bingo you let out a four-letter word. Even when you feel a personal connection, remember your setting and keep your language professional.


Successful interviewing takes practice and research. It is good to be confident in yourself and past work experience, but be sure to not overextend yourself. Keep it professional. Practice with a friend or family if you need some help.

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